11 April 2012

So, how will this Blog evolve

True Reason: Christian Responses to the Challenges of Atheism will be the main source of inspiration for this blog.  So far, I have read the first chapter and am amazed at its paucity for truths, or unfounded logic.

Evolve is a useful way of thinking about the purpose.  My current thinking is to look at each of the chapters in turn and discuss the merits of the "True Reason" that the authors have found.
Based on the first chapter, I think that this will be a long process. So be it.  My apologies to Matt as his chapter is last, and while he has helped inspire me towards putting my thoughts (opinions) on "paper", he will not have the pleasure of my attention until the very end.

Of course my strategy may change as I move through this book.  I will add posts of related topics as and when the feeling arises.  And for the most part I will refrain from commenting on the state of society in North America, although the various commentators from that region do write some brilliant stuff, and frankly, I'm glad I don't live amongst it.

Any local (southern hemisphere) theist/atheist topic worthy of not will (hopefully) get a mention here.

So, that's the plan...

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and your reason is?