24 April 2012

Evidence: doubt it or believe it

Some important things about evidence.

If the police turned up at my place and said they had arrested my son for murder (a serious crime...).  And I ask how they know that my son is the culprit?  The policeman/woman  tells me that a person "A"  came into there station-house and said that they knew another person "B" who told them that they know my son had killed "X".
Of course I'm very upset, and ask had they spoken to person "B".  The police say - nope, don't need to, we feel the word of "A" is plenty good enough for us and that will make it a "sealed deal".

Would you be concerned?  The evidence of "A" is called hearsay.  Its in-direct.  Do we know who "B" is - no, and do we get a chance to question "B" as to how they were witness to the crime.

In a modern court of law (any - probably most, countries) hearsay evidence is not good enough.  Actually its very poor evidence and doesn't get aired in court at all.

Why?  because its unsafe, too easy to pervert, potentially fraudulent.  In other words, its better to doubt its veracity then to believe it.

I'll add a post detailing the sources for this statement - but I need to say this now.  The evidence for a Jesus, living in or near a place called Nazareth is hearsay.  Letters and statements written by a person who had been told by another person (and sometimes many other people in the chain) about a person called Jesus. 

This hearsay evidence is made worse by the tyranny of time.  These statements, as relayed from another person(s) were around 60-70 plus years after the supposed life of this Jesus.  This would be like my son being locked up for a crime committed before he was born on the word of "A" as told to them by "B" (whom we can't talk too)

Sound dodgy?  Wow - so far we are only looking at what evidence could be taken and believed versus evidence we should doubt.  So the next few posts will focus on "existence of Jesus"  What evidence are people using to make the statements that Jesus existed.  Should that evidence be believed or doubted?

In other words, would I trust my sons life based on the quality of evidence used to support the case for the existence of Jesus.  You can tell that I'm one of those doubters, but I'm open enough to read the Apologists writing and find out why they see evidence to believe, and where others see evidence to doubt...


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