17 April 2012

Letter to Matt - Doubts

Dear Matt
Thanks for introducing the term OTF.  I hadn't heard that before (gosh - so much reading to do).

Doubt is something that we all inherit.  Keeps us safe from danger.  Allowed us to survive as a species.  When you look at other animal species we often say (for example) that "cat" looks timid, but no - it doubts (in other words, is skeptical about your out-reached hand) and until it gathers sufficient evidence (sound of your voice, smells, location) to assuage the skepticism it will stay back.

Religions ask us to suspend that doubt, and then states that the evidence does not need to be tested.

What do we do with this?  How do we ask a religion to prove it self?

Yours with interest

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and your reason is?